Solar Panel Cleaning Services
At Bigwit Energy, we offer a range of services to help you maintain and enhance the performance of your solar panels. Our monthly Solar Panels Cleaning service ensures that your panels are free from dirt, grime, and debris, which can reduce their efficiency over time. We also provide Hydrophobic Solar Panel Coating service that prevents water from sticking to the surface of the panels, reducing the frequency of cleaning needed. In addition, we offer an Automatic Solar Panels Cleaning installation service, where a water sprinkler system is installed to clean your solar panels on a regular basis. Our services are designed to help you maximize your solar panel's output, ensuring that they operate at their full potential for years to come.
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Solar Plant Details
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Table of Charges
Terms and Conditions:
Monthly Cleaning Service:
- Cleaning service will include 12 visits cleaning visits and will be valid for 14 months.
- Simple site access and water required to be made available on site.
- Customer will get a SMS / Call before visiting to confirm his / her availability.
Hydrophobic Coating Service:
- Coat life of 5 years.
- Service will be provided within 10 working days of payment received.
Automated Sprinkler Installation:
- Pump and plumbing cost upto the inlet of the pump would be in customer’s scope.
- Pump can be made available at extra cost.
- Electric point required near solar panels installation to drive the pump.

Convenience Fee applicable for Card Payments

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